&0 &G,217,160,9 &T,138,63,498,301,1,24,l You are out of star bucks. To earn star bucks, catch sundrops with your sunbeams and answer their riddles. &1 &G,225,147,10 &T,137,62,497,300,2,24,c You are out of sunbeams. You can go to the Star Mart to buy some more. &2 &G,382,207,3 &G,437,112,4 &T,138,74,498,312,0,24,l You need the secret code before you can try to find a crystal. Catch the cool sundrop and answer the riddle to learn the secret code. &3 &G,276,134,5 &T,132,76,492,314,1,24,l Look out for disasteroids! Catch them with a sunbeam or move your scooter away from them! &4 &G,266,102,1 &T,137,76,497,314,0,24,c You need 4 digits to get to the next orbit. You can earn digits in the Measure Mill or buy them at the Star Mart. &5 &G,263,101,1 &T,136,75,496,313,0,24,c You need 4 digits to get to the next orbit. You can earn digits in the Shape Station or buy them at the Star Mart. &6 &G,263,101,1 &T,138,77,498,315,0,24,c You need 4 digits to get to the Crystal Palace. You can earn digits in the Day Dock or buy them at the Star Mart. &7 &G,223,130,11 &T,133,49,494,306,1,24,c You don't have any star bucks to buy anything. You can earn star bucks by catching sundrops and answering their riddles. &8 &T,137,72,497,310,1,24,c Good work! You are now a ^1 Super Seeker. You need to find ^2 to move up in rank. &9 &T,136,70,496,308,2,24,c Good job, ^1 Super Seeker! You need to find ^2 to move up in rank. &10 &T,137,81,497,319,3,24,c Good job, Champion Super Seeker! &11 &G,363,181,3 &T,139,73,499,311,1,24,l The secret code has changed! Every time you get to the next orbit you need to catch the cool sundrop and answer the riddle to learn the new code. &12 &G,359,88,7 &G,171,213,3 &T,128,41,503,315,0,24,l Crystals are hidden in code satellites that have a secret code word. Catch the cool sundrop and answer the riddle to learn the secret code. &13 &G,411,133,4 &T,135,65,495,303,2,24,c You don't have enough star bucks to try to find a crystal. Catch a sundrop and answer the riddle to earn more star bucks. &14 &T,134,74,499,312,0,24,c You are out of sunbeams and star bucks. Go to the Measure Mill and solve problems. After you earn all 4 digits, you will earn star bucks. Then, go to the Star Mart to buy sunbeams. &15 &T,137,74,497,312,0,24,c You are out of sunbeams and star bucks. Go to the Shape Station and solve problems. After you earn all 4 digits, you will earn star bucks. Then, go to the Star Mart to buy sunbeams. &16 &T,137,74,497,312,0,24,c You are out of sunbeams and star bucks. Go to the Day Dock and solve problems. After you earn all 4 digits, you will earn star bucks. Then, go to the Star Mart to buy sunbeams. &17 &G,273,259,2 &T,126,65,510,317,1,24,c Hi, ^0! I'm Twinkle, a shooting star. I'll give you hints from time to time to help you learn to play the game. After you read a hint, click on to go on. &18 &G,279,164,6 &T,138,66,498,304,3,24,l Click on to go outside. &19 &G,254,144,9 &G,225,250,8 &T,133,72,493,310,0,24,l Ready to go? Use the mouse to move your scooter around the orbit. Try to catch a sundrop using on the keyboard! &20 &T,136,59,496,297,1,24,c This is how many star buck pieces you have. ^9 &21 &G,325,126,12 &G,247,198,13 &T,140,75,500,313,1,24,l To go faster on your scooter, click on and move down to the Zoom Way. &22 &G,310,142,2 &T,137,69,497,307,2,24,l Click on and I'll show you how to use the code to solve the secret word. &23 &G,315,146,2 &T,137,73,497,311,2,24,l Click on and I'll show you how to fill in missing numbers in the code. &24 &G,108,170,2 &T,27,96,306,232,0,24,c Welcome to the Measure Mill! My name is Newton. Click on and I'll show you what you need to do. &25 &G,235,177,2 &T,156,103,429,239,0,24,c Welcome to the Shape Station! My name is Zigzag. Click on and I'll show you what you need to do. &26 &G,340,172,2 &T,260,50,534,255,2,24,c Welcome to the Day Dock! My name is Memo. Click on and I'll show you what you need to do. &27 &G,204,192,8 &T,155,91,423,228,0,24,c You may need to turn some of the pieces to fit them in the puzzle. Use to turn them. &28 &G,348,102,14 &T,261,65,541,232,2,24,c Use to move the calendar forward or backward one week at a time. &29 &G,147,80,2 &T,133,60,245,192,0,15,c Click on and I'll show you how to play this game. &30 &G,147,80,2 &T,134,61,246,192,0,15,c Click on to see how my riddles have changed. &31 &G,164,97,15 &G,176,145,16 &T,133,60,247,192,0,15,c When a stamp looks like this , it means 10 . &32 &T,135,61,246,192,0,15,c Look at the machines to help you figure out how many stamps there should be. &33 &T,163,79,547,237,0,20,c Good job, ^0. You got it right! You've earned some star bucks! ^8 &34 &T,164,50,546,259,0,20,c Good job, ^0. You got it right! You've earned some star bucks! ^8 Here's the code to help you find crystals in the code satellites. &